Athbhlian faoi mhaise daoibh! Happy New Year

January 4, 2023

A Chairde, 

Athbhliain faoi shéan agus faoi mhaise daoibh go léir. Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh ar fad i mbarr na sláinte. 

We look forward to welcoming all students back tomorrow morning and we are hoping that 2023 will be a super year for all of our Coláiste de hÍde school community. 

Reminder that all students are to be in class before the 8.40am bell in the morning and are to be wearing their full school uniform (apart from students that have PE on that day or are partaking in an extra curricular activity on that day). 

There are a few important dates to take note of this term: 

5th Jan: Return after Christmas break

16th Jan: Teacher JCT Training Day (school closed for students)

17th-20th Jan: College Awareness Week 

26th Jan: 2nd and Transition Year Parent Teacher Meeting (4:15-6:45)

30th Jan-3rd Feb: 3rd and 6th Year Mock Exams 

30th Jan – 10th Feb: TY Work Experience 

2nd Feb 1st and 5th Year Parent Teacher Meeting (4.15-6:45)

6th Feb: Public Holiday

10th Feb: School closes for midterm break (1pm) returning Mon 20th Feb


As always,  should you have any queries, please contact Sadhbh in the school office (phone or email) or contact the Yearhead through the school  app. 

Míle buíochas as ucht do thacaíocht ar fad, 

Guímis gach rath oraibh don bhliain nua, 

le dea-mhéin, 
