I gColáiste de hÍde, cuirtear béim mhór ar cheiliúradh ghaiscí na ndaltaí agus a gcuid rannpháirtíochta i saol na scoile. Bronntar gaiscí ‘Dalta na Míosa’ ar scoláirí mar gheall ar a gcuid iarrachta i léiriú luachanna na scoile: Meas, Bród, Comhar. Bronntar teastais ‘Laochra Gaeil’ ar dhaltaí a chuireann an Ghaeilge chun cinn laistigh agus lasmuigh den seomra ranga. Ag deireadh na bliana acadúla, bíonn searmanas bliantúil ar siúl chun gnóthachtálaí acadúla agus neamh-acadúla sna réimsí spóirt, drámaíocht, ceol agus sna healaíona a cheiliúradh.
In Coláiste de hÍde we place a huge emphasis on celebrating student’s achievements and their positive contribution to the school community. Students are awarded ‘Student of the Month’ certificates for their effort in upholding the school values of respect, pride and teamwork. ‘Laochra Gaeil’ awards are presented to students who actively promote the Irish Language inside and outside of the classroom. At the end of the year, an annual prize giving ceremony takes place to celebrate academic and non-academic achievements in the fields of sport, drama, music and the arts.