Meabhrú: Reminder

August 16, 2021

A Chairde,

Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh ar fad go maith. A personal notification was sent to all parents in June with the school calendar, stationery list and the payments required for each year group.

– A reminder that 1st Years will return on Fri 27th August for an introductory session from 8:40-10:40.
– On Mon 30th Aug 1st/3rd and 6th Years will return for a full school day.
– On Tues 31st Aug 2nd and 5th Years will join the above year groups for a full day.
– On Wed 1st Sept our Tys will start the academic year and all students will have returned.

– Further guidance will be provided on the Covid situation but as of now the same system will apply i.e social distancing, masks, hand sanitising etc. (We will be allowing all groups access to their lockers this year).

– The uptake on the payments has been steady this week via the website and App. We urge everyone to try and have the payments paid before return to school. If there are any difficulties please let us know.

Sadhbh is available in the office and via email from 9-2pm daily should you have any queries.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back in the coming weeks.

Míle buíochas,
le dea-mhéin,