Tá sé mar aidhm againn i gColáiste de hÍde an bóthar a réiteach do gach aon dalta a lánacmhainn a bhaint amach le héascaíocht, go hintleachtúil, go fisiciúil, go spioradálta, go cultúrtha, go sóisialta agus go mothálach tré mheán na Gaeilge. Déantar iarracht ar leith ins an scoil féiníomhá dearfach a chothú i ngach aon duine, maille le meas a chothú iontu do gach duine, dá dtimpeallacht agus dá bpobal.
In Coláiste de hÍde, we aim to empower and facilitate the individual student to reach his/her potential intellectually, physically, spiritually, culturally, socially and emotionally through the medium of the Irish language. A special effort is made in the school to promote a positive self-image in all individuals together with respect for every person, their community and their environment.